Monday, March 23, 2009

(L)e Mistake Vol. 1 Take 1

It is NOT COOL. I repeat - not cool- to blow and/or pick thy nose and wipe it on the metal bar my dainty palm wishes to rest upon.  This happened today at 6:54 pm.  And I accidentally touched it. It was wet.

(L)ove Commute

Yes.  It's been awhile.  But don't despair.  I am back now.  Lay your head here, very close to my happy Pringle.

I've decided to stick to the direction my last entry was organically going.  Since I have no (L)ife outside the subway - or really - let me rephrase that - there is only one ripe juicy part of my day and that takes place on the numbingly gray line.  The L.  The L.  The L. The hipster the wannabe beatnick the twenty-something surprise.  My train.

And so hence forth I will complete two reports per day: one in the morning; one in the evening.

The sole purpose of this report will be to make fun of you - the commuter; my colleague and my peer.  

The one who bumps my arm, the one who possesses the breath I can't bare to smell but one more second, the fucking tree that doesn't fit in the subway car and the greasy wheel that somehow found its way up my ass.  Your greasy wheel.

We begin.